Managing website design feedback is as crucial as it is challenging. When you and your clients are out of sync, efficient feedback can become even harder to achieve. When a piece of feedback is crucial to proceed, communication channels like email will only slow your agency down.

Real-time feedback for website design can help your team speed right back up. But beyond keeping your projects moving, synchronous feedback can provide three perks for your team. Here are three reasons why you need to start gathering feedback in real time using software like SimpleStage.

1. Real-Time Feedback Enhances Your Quality of Work

Without client feedback for website designs, your clients’ needs can get lost in translation. But getting clarifications can be tough. For many agencies, live client calls or in-person meetings happen once a week at most.

When running into feedback-related roadblocks, many agencies end up making a hard choice. They can make assumptions to hit deadlines, or they can wait for clients to respond and run into delays. The former can lead to wasted time, while the latter can cause contractual issues. Both can reduce client satisfaction.

Real-time design feedback gives you the chance to get it right. With a tool like SimpleStage, you can request feedback from clients directly on your design file. Then, you can instantly see when clients start or respond to conversation threads.

You’ll work with greater clarity about what your clients want. As a result, you can impress them with high-quality digital or print assets that you’re confident meets their needs.

Looking for a way to improve the way your agency collects design and website feedback?

SimpleStage is the only platform that unifies the client experience by providing tools to help agencies collect content, feedback and track bugs.

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2. Real-Time Feedback Boosts Transparency

A real-time design feedback tool can also boost transparency — for both your clients and your team. This transparency offers two key perks: more client satisfaction and fewer silos in your agency.

Boosting Client Satisfaction

When you use real-time feedback software, you’re inviting your clients to review your work-in-progress website. No matter how much clients trust your skills, this is the best way to give them total peace of mind that you’re working on what they asked for. Or, if you’re getting off track, clients will be able to guide you in the right direction fast.

Real-time design feedback empowers clients to speak up when a site design isn’t up to their standards. This may sound like a nuisance for you, but it can actually be a perk. With constant, real-time feedback comes less backtracking after meeting milestone requirements.

Clients will feel more satisfied when you turn in the first version of your completed site. Plus, they may be more satisfied with your overall client experience, too.

Eliminating Silos

In the workplace, a silo mentality refers to a culture in which different teams or departments don’t share knowledge with each other. This can lead to wasted time and money. When each team works toward the same goals, but apart, your agency may spend double the resources to hit one milestone.

Real-time design feedback software like SimpleStage gives your employees a comprehensive look at:

  • Where other teams are at on specific tasks
  • What clients think about a design, feature, or piece of copy
  • What coworkers are currently working on or discussing with clients

Your agency won’t risk asking clients for feedback twice. And even when teams forget to actively communicate internally, they’ll still have shared knowledge to improve the end product. You’ll reduce the level of work you need to complete to achieve goals.

3. Real-Time Feedback Reduces Bottlenecks

Getting feedback from clients is often the biggest bottleneck in the website creation process. When clients miss deadlines, you may too. The ability to communicate with clients in real-time is key for more productive design and development cycles.

With SimpleStage, you can improve the feedback collection experience for both you and your clients. Clients can have conversations with you on the very website they’re reviewing, making feedback more convenient. And you can follow up to get clarifications fast, before clients exit out.

As you streamline client feedback for website design, you may experience fewer delays in your expected timeline. Hitting your target launch date will be easier than ever.

Start Getting Real-Time Feedback for Website Design

Real-time feedback for website design can cut down on wasted resources for your team, while boosting results for your clients. It’s a win-win situation. When you adopt a tool like SimpleStage, you can have synchronous conversations that your team members and clients will love.